Tips for Preventing Car Theft & Break-Ins

Published November 13, 2023

It’s Sunday, and you find yourself at the grocery store checking off your list for everything you need to make your famous chicken casserole for dinner tonight. You get in line to pay, and once the cashier at the grocery store hands you your receipt, you walk out to the parking lot, eager to get home and be rid of the cart that has tortured you for the past two hours with its squeaky back wheel. You go to the spot where you thought you parked your car, but it’s not there. You sigh and say to yourself that you probably parked it a row over like you always do. You grab your cart, “Squeak squeak, squeak…” and head towards the next row. At first glance, you don’t see it, so enough is enough. You take out your keys and hit the button that should make it produce a “beep”, but you hear nothing. Panic sets in as you realize your car isn’t in the next row or even in the parking lot. It’s been stolen.

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, approximately one motor vehicle is stolen every 32 seconds, which adds up to more than one million vehicles stolen last year.

Car theft and car-break-ins are on the rise and don’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. Here are some preventive measures you can take to protect yourself and your vehicle.

Keep Doors Locked

When you are not using your vehicle, keep the doors locked and windows closed. An unlocked car with the windows down is an open invitation to thieves, so before you walk into that store or your house, double-check both.

Anti-Theft Devices

Invest in vehicle anti-theft devices such as:

  • Dash Cameras
  • Steering Wheel Locks
  • GPS Tracking Devices
  • Car Immobilizer
  • Glass Breakage Detector

If these items come with a sticker that you can place on your car window that indicates the car is protected, place it somewhere visible to the outside to help prevent car theft. If your vehicle is older, test the alarm system, and if it doesn’t work, purchase a new system.

Remove Your Keys From Your Car

It may make it easier to always know where your keys are, but NEVER leave them inside your car, even if you quickly run into a store or location. It’s also a good idea not to keep spare keys near your vehicle, as some thieves will search under decorative rocks and around your garage, hoping to get lucky. You should also never leave your car running, unattended. You never know who is watching and waiting to take advantage of this situation.

Park Smart

For parking in public areas, park your vehicle in a secure, well-lit area, even if that means walking a little bit further. Be alert of your surroundings and anyone who may be lingering around the parking lot. Trust your instincts, and if an area makes you feel unsafe, then it is probably best to look for somewhere else to park. For extra protection, try to park in areas that have security cameras.

Take Valuables Out Of Your Car

Remove valuables from your car, such as wallets, bikes, golf clubs, or any expensive items in your car. If thieves don’t see anything valuable from the outside of the vehicle, this may deter them from even trying to break in. If you can’t part with the items in your car, keep them out of sight by storing them in your trunk. For vehicles that don’t have a concealed trunk, keep a blanket or sheet in your car to cover your valuables.

Catalytic Converter Theft

Catalytic converters have been a popular choice for thieves lately. It can take less than 3 minutes and isn’t as suspicious as someone breaking a car window. Law enforcement officials recommend spray-painting your catalytic converter, as this makes it more difficult for thieves to resell, thus increasing the chance they won’t steal it in the first place.

Sometimes, even when you take all the precautions, you can still become a victim of car theft and break-ins. This is why you should make sure you have Other Than Collision coverage (also called Comprehensive coverage) on your vehicle. This would provide coverage if you ever find yourself in this situation.

Contact us today to make sure you’re protected!